
With it being National Immunisation Month we thought what better month than to tell you what vaccines we offer at Elegant Clinic in our three clinics in Canford Cliffs (Poole), Queens Park (Bournemouth) and Totton (Southampton).

At our Elegant Travel and Health Clinic we offer the following travel and health vaccinations:

Chicken Pox Vaccine

The chicken pox vaccine protects against the varicella zoster virus that causes chicken pox. Chicken pox is a common childhood infection. Usually, it's mild and complications are rare. Almost all children develop immunity to chickenpox after infection, so most only catch it once. The disease can be more severe in adults.

Certain groups of people, however, are at greater risk of serious complications from chickenpox. These include:

  • people who have weakened immune systems through illnesses such as HIV, or treatments like chemotherapy

  • pregnant women – chickenpox can be very serious for an unborn baby when a pregnant woman catches the infection. It can cause a range of serious birth defects, as well as severe disease in the baby when it is born. 

The vaccine is given as 2 separate injections, usually into the upper arm, 4 to 8 weeks apart.

Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio Vaccine

This vaccine is a combination vaccine that protects against three potentially life-threatening bacterial diseases:

Diptheria is a highly infectious bacterial infection which can be fatal. Diphtheria is typically spread by coughing and sneezing, close contact with infected people or contaminated clothes and bedding. Symptoms include sore throat, difficulty and/or pain on swallowing, husky voice, fever, cough, headache and, breathing difficulties.

Tetanus enters the body through a wound or cut. It affects the brain and nervous system and causes extremely painful muscle spasms. Spasms of the jaw can make it impossible for you to open your mouth. This condition is often called "lockjaw." Tetanus kills one out of five people infected with the disease.

Polio is a potentially paralysing, vaccine preventable, viral infection. The virus is transmitted through food or water contaminated by infected human faeces or by direct contact with an infectious person.Those at increased risk include travellers visiting friends and relatives, those in direct contact with an infected person, long-stay travellers, and those visiting areas of poor sanitation. Symptoms for polio may range from a mild illness with fever, to symptoms of meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain) or paralysis.

This combination vaccine is typically given once during a lifetime (except during pregnancies). However, it is recommended that booster shots be given every 10 years to adequately protect you against tetanus and diphtheria.

Cholera Vaccine

Cholera is an infection spread mainly through food and water that can cause acute watery diarrhoea. The disease is found throughout the world particularly in countries where sanitation is poor, particularly parts of Africa, India and South East Asia so is recommended for people travelling to these countries. Cholera vaccine is given as a drink.

Meningitis B Vaccine

Meningococcal meningitis is caused by bacteria easily passed from person to person by coughing, sneezing and kissing. It can cause serious complications. The course consists of two to four doses, depending on your age and is given as an injection into your arm.

Meningitis ACWY Vaccine

The MenACWY vaccine is given by a single injection into the upper arm and protects against 4 strains of the meningococcal bacteria – A, C, W and Y – which cause meningitis and blood poisoning (septicaemia).

Yellow Fever Vaccine

Yellow fever (YF) is a vaccine preventable viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes. Yellow fever (YF) virus can cause an illness that results in jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) and bleeding, with severe damage to the major organs.

The most important step in preventing yellow fever is a yellow fever vaccination prior to travel. You need to arrange your vaccine for a date at least ten days before you travel. Once you have received the vaccine, you are protected for life. Certain countries require a yellow fever certificate, which is called the International Certificate and this certificate becomes only becomes valid 10 days after injection.

Typhoid Vaccine

Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria. It is highly contagious and can sometimes be fatal. It spreads through contaminated foods and water. Typhoid bacteria are mainly found in faeces, and the infection is particularly common in regions with poor sanitation. The typhoid vaccine is very effective at preventing the illness and is available free on NHS, please check with your GP surgery.

Symptoms of typhoid include fever, high temperature, headaches, nausea, muscle pain, digestion problems such as constipation or diarrhoea, tiredness and confusion. Some patients also experience a rash. If left untreated, typhoid can be lethal. The infection is also known to cause physical as well as mental disabilities if it is not treated or treated with delay.

Japanese Enchephalitis Vaccine

JE is a viral infection of the brain transmitted to humans by mosquitoes in parts of Asia. The mosquitoes that transmit JE are found in rural areas, where rice cultivation and pig farming are common. Symptoms for humans affected by JE include fever, headache and confusion.

In symptomatic cases requiring hospitalisation, death rates are high and neurological complications are common. The risk of acquiring JE can be reduced by insect bite avoidance. Two doses are required for this vaccine.

Hepatitis A Vaccine

Hepatitis A is a highly infectious viral disease caused by the Hepatitis A virus. The virus is usually transmitted through food or water contaminated by human faeces or by direct contact with an infectious person. Hepatitis A occurs in travellers who have recently visited countries where the disease is common.

Symptoms may include: fever, loss of appetite, jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin), malaise and nausea. Vaccination is recommended if visiting areas where there is poor hygiene and sanitation. Two doses are required for this vaccine.

Hepatitis B Vaccine

Hepatitis B is an acute viral infection of the liver which spreads by direct contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person. It can also spread from mother to baby. Symptoms more commonly occur in adults than children and may include: jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) loss of appetite, fever and abdominal pain. Three doses are required for this vaccine.

Rabies Vaccine

Rabies is a serious viral infection which affects the brain and nerves. The virus is spread through the saliva of infected animals, usually following a bite or scratch.

A full 'primary' course of rabies vaccines (before travel) consists of three doses given over 3 to 4 weeks.

If you complete a full 'primary course' of rabies vaccines before you travel you will develop antibodies in your blood against the rabies virus. These will help protect you if you have a rabies exposure, but you must still seek medical attention after a rabies exposure and do immediate wound care.

You should consider a course of rabies vaccinations before you travel (pre-exposure) if you:

  • will be living in, or travelling to, a country where rabies is considered a risk

  • are planning on undertaking activities such as trekking, cycling or running in a 'high risk' country, as these increase your risk of being attacked or bitten by an animal

  • will be working or living in remote or rural areas with no easy access to medical facilities

  • will be working with, or regularly handling animals or bats, as part of your job or activities

We have an extensive list of vaccines available at Elegant Clinic but we do recommend you booking in for a Health or Travel FREE Consultation with Shikha before your vaccine so Shikha can check you are getting the correct vaccines you need.

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About the author

Shikha Rishi

Shikha is a highly experienced aesthetics practitioner, pharmacist and medical professional. After training for a number of years at the world-renowned Harley Street, London and SkinViva, Manchester, Shikha is passionate about delivering top-quality results in every treatment.

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